Finding a dress is such a massive accomplishment when planning your wedding and on your journey as a bride-to-be! From silhouette to price to designer, the task can feel like a lot of work, that is why we want to make completing your look as simple as possible! Bridal accessories should be the perfect compliment to the essence of your gown and ultimately your personality. There are no black and white rules to selecting your bridal accessories, but here are some great guidelines to get you started:

  • Less is More. If you are looking to make a statement with your accessories do it in one place, ie- if you are going to do a big chunky necklace, keep your earring simple and skip the bracelet. If you are going with a bold tiara or headpiece, keep your necklace simple and elegant as well as your earrings; it is all about keeping your look balanced.
  • Keep your metals in the same tone as your ring. If your ring is silver be sure that your earrings, headpiece, etc… are set in silver as well!
  • Try on a a veil, even if you think you do not want one! Bridal veils are not a part of our everyday wear which can make them seem intimidating or unnecessary. Give them a shot and try one or two on with your favorite gown, you may be surprised by how it can add a missing element to your bridal look, plus, they make for killer pictures.
  • Dress First. Some brides make the mistake of trying to complete their bridal look in all one day, which could be a bit overwhelming. Once you choose your gown take a deep breath and let your desired accessories start to float around in your head for a minute. Each gown will be accessorized a little differently.
  • Try on WITH your gown. Be sure to try on your bridal accessories together and with your gown! Things come together differently when you are in your gown and bringing all of the components together.

Of course we provide the best bridal alterations experience for you and your “I do” crew, but we don’t stop at just the perfect fit… did you know we also make it easy for you to complete your signature bridal look with hair pieces, veils, jewelry and much more!? It is okay if you did not find a veil to complete your look during your appointment; don’t rush around town with your precious gown searching for the right veil, just wait until your first alterations appointment here at Donna Beth Creations!

Featured Bridal Accessory Designers at DBC: